Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 6

Day 6

We woke up in Cody at 6:30 and left the campsite promptly at 7:00. We stopped by the office on our way out. The manager of the KOA was there and apologized for our horseback experiences and refunded our money. She said Jeff was fired. We tried to confirm his stories with her and that is what they were, stories.

We left the park shortly after 7 with the best coffee we have ever had in hand. We had a wonderful morning drive into Yellowstone. We are all so excited to see what Uncle Tim refers to as God’s Disney Land.

We have decided that our kids are aboard a road cruise and we are the cruise, directors for Cruising America RV’s. We pull into camp site, prepare meals, go to bed, we wake up and get behind the wheel travel while chiefs are sleeping and when they awake they are at the next day’s destination, bright eyed and ready to go. BB’s new name is Julie from the love boat .

We arrived at the East entrance around 8:30, kids still sleeping. We pulled into the visitors’ center to confirm our day’s itinerary. We headed to Yellowstone lake, how beautiful (our favorite adjective to describe the area today-beautiful). We walked around the property and tried to find a hot meal, to no avail. After 1.5 hours we settled for deli sandwiches, cinnamon rolls and hot chili. The kids were so hungry they would eat anything at this point. We then headed to the West Thumb and took a hike to see the geysers and hot spots. Along the way we spotted mule deer which BB referred to as a Bison. Next we went to Midway geyser basin to the paint pots and took in this Disney Attraction with awe. Next we stopped at Lower Geyser Basin to look at the bubbling mud. Old Faithful was our next stop and we were excited, but concerned how long we would have to wait to see it erupt. As luck would have it we pulled in, walked to Old Faithful and within 5 minutes we observed the mighty blow. We then headed into the lodge and enjoyed a small snack, sat in the window seats and took in the view. Next was the favorite spot of the day, Firehole Caynon. Adrenalin was surging in the kids as they anticipated going swimming and getting to do what kids do best play. BB pulls onto Firehole canyon road, on one way road winding back to the swimming hole. As we drive the road gets narrower and narrower. At one point Beki asks Mario to slow down, the drop off was intense. We continue and see ahead where cars are now lining the side of the road; the 12.5 foot rig is going to be like putting Cinderella’s slipper on a pig’s foot, tight. We manage, BB exists the car feeling nauseated and the need to take in some air. Meanwhile the kids have dressed in record time, have towels in hand and are ready to go. We leave the PV and head to the rapids, we are about to swim. Seconds later the kids are submerged in the rapids and we are left counting heads and spewing names to assure everyone is safe in the mayhem. Their smiles can be seen for miles, we decide to join them knowing they will remember if we don’t. We both plunge in and begin to swim upstream to the rock they are jumping from. We both make clean jumps and are given a soldiers applause for our entry into the rapids. We stay there for about 2 hours and then pack up and head to West Yellowstone. As we leave it begins to rain, again our timing is almost magical. We make the kids have carrots and grapes when they get back in the car, shortly Bricker sees an eagles nest high in a tree, all of us are trying to find it. When we do Peter says man Bricker those carrots work quick. We arrive at the Ko-a and BB gets into trouble for driving too fast in the camp grounds, the kids all had a good laugh. We change clothes and head to town for dinner. We head home and again hook up in the dark, trying to abide by the camp site rules, on our honor. After reading the camp site recent sightings of bears, BB and Beki fall asleep with one eye open.

1 comment:

  1. BB got in trouble for speeding in the campground?!!!! Now that's funny!
