Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 10

Another day of travel begins around 7 am after sleeping in the Comfort Inns, not s,o King size suite. We begin with a trip to the gas station to fill up the PV and our coffee cups. While filling up the PV this man approaches us to inquire about traveling in the rented PV. This conversation goes on for what seems 15 minutes. This friendly extra large man proceeds to tell us: he has always wanted to rent one, he lives in Lexington KY, there is a new Nascar circuit starting and he wants to take it there, he has three sons, he has been happily married for 34 years, his older son has been married for 3 years and he has a new 9 month old grand baby. BB and I are just standing there have in our clothes from the night before, we not had coffee and are quiet dazed from our extreme exhaustion that when the clincher statement comes out of his mouth. “I hope yous don’t mind my questions but I’d never knowd nobody who rented one of them RVs.” With this comment out of his mouth, with his Kentuckian drawl, it is all we can do from breaking out in laughter. Thankfully BB diverts the conversation to the delights he is caring in his hand, two super sized snickers and a thing rapped in tin foil. BB says that is quite the breakfast you have! This then turns into the next internal stint of laughter something like this. “ Well let me tell ya, I travel a lot and when I do I keeps a cooler right in the seat of my car, I takes these Snickers and a put them in my cooler and when I need it around 2:30 in the afternoon I take’em out of my cooler and I nibble on them.” At this point we are going to lose its so we retreat into the store to find coffee and look at each other and wonder did we just dream this conversation. Journey on. Still North Dakota and struggling to get through we start to discuss the options for the day. Kids are sound asleep and we decide to add one more destination to our blog, Mall of America. BB text Megan to tee if we could stay at her house, with in seconds we have a affirmative confirmation. Kids slept till about 25 minutes from the MOA. Now around noon they are hungry and want food. We try to hold them of till the mall, arrive at the MOA around 12:30 and tell them to look our their window. In the slowest possible reading they read, m a l l o f a m er I c a, then putting all of the letters together they reread Mall of America and are shout with glee. We high five each other knowing we have continued to make their life's incredible. We head into the mall and stay there for 5 hours. The kids did the best back to school shopping and road all the rides and we loaded up and headed to Megan and Joe's. We convince them that we can park in their drive way and arrive at their house around 7:45. We tour their adorable townhouse and then take Megan for a short ride around her neighborhood to turn the RV around. Megan is in tears as she gets a small tease of the joys of PVing. Soon we are greeted by Katie, Sue and Larry----so wonderful to see them. We give them a tour of our traveling home, which now looks like we could be on the HGTV hoarders series. Sue hold her mouth the entire time, Larry comments on the urine scented air freshener . This tour take about 2 minutes but we are certain will last a lifetime in their mind. We have just gotten use to it and are making memories. We head back in where pizza and wine await. We share some stories, laugh a lot and are just enjoy each other. The kids are all smile wondering around into emotional utopia. It was a great addition to a great trip.

1 comment:

  1. :) LOVE IT!!!!!! It was so GREAT that you stayed at our house!!!!! Toola did try and find everyone again this morning, and refused to come out from under the bed b.c she was so sad you all left!!!!
